HTML to PDF with GoLang
Convert HTML to PDF with GoLang using wkhtmltopdf
ReadIn this tutorial, I will show you how to build a ngrok alternative using Inlets as an exit server and Caddy as a reverse proxy for HTTPS traffic. We will then map a subdomain we own to the Droplet's public IP address for ease of access.
ReadMinikube lets you run Kubernetes locally inside a virtual machine. If you plan to develop with Kubernetes regularly or just want to try it out locally, use minikube.
ReadThe best way to understand Elixir's pin operator `^` is with relatable examples.
ReadDomain-Specific Language (DSL) provides a fluent interface with a higher level of abstraction, optimized for dealing with a specific class of problem.
ReadTransport Level Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol that provides communications security over a computer network. It does this by enforcing privacy and data integrity between two communicating applications on a computer network
ReadBundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed.
ReadIt turns out that uploading file with react is pretty easy and not different from the way it’s done in plain JavaScript. Let’s do it now
ReadPopulating rows in a postgres table with sequential numbers ranging from 1, 2, 3, ...